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Buyer's Guide to Erotic Novels

Sex MagazinesDid you know that there is a long tradition of really smut stories in literature? There have been countless erotic novels published over the centuries, but they rather get notoriety for being truly sexy works of art. Some may be known as classics, but their value as sexy is greatly diminished.

And then along came Fifty Shades of Grey, that big sexy beast of BDSM erotic novels. The trilogy everybody was reading pulled erotic novels out from the back rooms and off the top shelves of bookstores. After this industry-changing - both sex and books - series hit the scene and took the world by storm, erotic novels became all the rage.

Nowadays, people are loving erotic novels more than ever before. They’re reading them on the subway, on the beach and definitely in the bedroom. Sharing and reading erotic novels with your partner(s) can be one of the sexiest playtime activities you can do, and here are some key considerations in choosing the hottest erotic novels.

The characters

Having a connection with the characters in a novel is one of the most important factors in truly getting into a book. And it is even more important in an erotic novel. There are two most prominent ways you can identify with characters in an erotic novel: you either want to be the characters or you want to watch the characters. Well written erotica draws you into a scene or situation and the characters jump off the page. Or, rather, in this case, they screw right off the page. The erotic novels you will most identify with are the ones that include characters you either want to embody or would want to enjoy sexytimes with yourself. As you enjoy different erotic novels, you’ll find stories that speak to your specific interests and the characters involved will feel as if they are lovers, friends or even you.

The plot

Now, plot is a contentious issue when it comes to any kind of sexual content. Some folks will say that plot is an absolutely essential part of erotica... other people will say, no, it really isn’t necessary, just show me the sex! Whether you want your erotic novel to be like an actual novel or just a collection of sex scenes tied together by just enough words to make it coherent, the key is pulling the sex scenes together in a way that does not take away from the sex scenes themselves. It is really easy to be taken out of a story by having to deal with annoying details and bad plot development. Fortunately, there are lots of writers out there who can carry erotic novels from hotspot to hotspot.

Sex Magazines

Sex scenes

Now, here’s the likely real reason you’re holding an erotic novel with one hand; you like reading about characters having sexytimes! There are many different ways that sex scenes can be written in erotic novels, and you’ll surely find the ones you like. Some sex scenes are very romantic with the author using a lot of hint and tease. There will be a lot more allusions to sexy action instead of outright hardcore smut. Of course, there is nothing at all wrong with that hardcore smut, some folks love it! They really get off on the dirty language, the nasty descriptions and the hot and heavy action. It isn’t often that these two realms mingle, but every once in a while an author will actually be able to pull it off for the best of two erotic worlds.

Fetish and fantasy

Erotic novels are a perfect playground for you to really get involved with your most favourite fetishes and fabulous fantasies. Whether you already actively play in the realm of your fetish and have a willing partner or friends who enjoy it with you, or if you are merely at a stage of being curious and interested, erotic novels can place you right in the perfect place and time to enjoy that interest through the experiences of hot characters. Likewise, fantasies are something you can explore in erotic novels in ways you might not ever get the chance to in your real life. Do you wish you were the sex slave of a rich duke? Or perhaps a politician and his intern? There are so many sexual fantasy experiences you can explore through the words of someone else.

I'd like to buy my own erotic novels, what's next?

If you would like to buy your own erotic novels, we have quite the range that's sure to satisfy any desire. We recommend you browse our full range of erotic novels here: Buy Erotic Novels.

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