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How to Choose Lingerie for Your Body Shape

Lingerie & CostumesLet’s start this guide off right: everybody out there is beautiful, sexy and desirable. Nothing about the suggestions here is meant at all to shame or suggest you should change your body shape. The great thing about lingerie is that there are so many different styles and types that we’ve got all of you covered. Well, barely covered. Lingerie is a fantastic sexual equalizer. Everybody looks great in lingerie.

However, not everybody looks great in every type of lingerie. But this is true of all types of clothes. Some of us suit certain shapes, materials, patterns and styles. If you’re starting with the baseline of “lookin’ great” and want to kick that up to “damn you’re unbelievable!” then check out some of our ideas on how to choose the lingerie that is best for your body shape.

Know your body

You’d be surprised to learn that many women do not know their dimensions. You know the classic 36-24-36 routine. In a sense, this is great so that we can grow and move forward as a society that is not obsessed with the shape of a woman’s figure. However, in a practical sense, you really do need to know these measurements to purchase properly fitting lingerie. And that is one of the main reasons people feel uncomfortable in the lingerie they purchase: the item doesn’t fit properly. If you choose a size too large, the material will bulge and be misshapen. If you pick a size too small, the garment will not be comfortable to wear and you might resent the way it shapes your body.

Lingerie & Costumes

Try to research the brands

Everybody has their favourites, whether it is food or cars or golf clubs or make-up - we tend to become creatures of habit. Usually because our choices satisfy our needs most directly. The same just might be the case with lingerie. As with any clothing or shoe manufacturer, their products tend to fit just a little bit differently from other lingerie companies. And you will know, when you try some on and wear the ones you like best, which are most likely to fit and feel good on your body.

One size fits all?

There are some lingerie brands that use a one size fits all model for their products. Really, these labels should say “one size fits all... everybody who falls somewhere between an average size and a couple ticks on the scale in either direction.” If you consider yourself a short, tall, large or slim person, one size fits all lingerie will probably not be comfortable on your body.

Patterns, shapes, lines... oh my!

There are a lot of fashion rules out there about which patterns or elements should be worn by differently shaped people. It could certainly be argued that large folks shouldn’t wear polka dots and that vertical stripes are slimming. However, the more pressing concern you’re likely to encounter when choosing lingerie for your body shape is whether or not you like the pattern and if you're comfortable in it. It will be rare that a partner sees you in bed in your patterned corset and stockings and says “yeah, no, that really doesn’t work for your body.” They’ll be thinking, how can I get that body next to mine!

Material matters

Unlike patterns, material can really matter when choosing lingerie for your body shape - but this is all about comfort. Clingy and elastic materials are a challenge for both small and large bodied folks. They could be too tight and constricting, or too loose and hang awkwardly. On the other hand, something like silk is not stretchy at all. There are other concerns as well. If your body runs hot and you tend to get overheated during sex, you may not want to pick furry or thick cotton/polyester blends. Something that breathes would suit you much better.

Buying sexy lingerie

Would you like to buy your own sexy lingerie to look and feel sexy? If so, just head on over to our lingerie category: Buy Sexy Lingerie.

Need more help?

Would you like a little help choosing the best lingerie for you? Just Contact Customer Care and a staff member from the Cherry Banana team will be in touch right away to assist you. Alternatively, you can explore our other lingerie and costume guides here.

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