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How to Introduce Sex Toys to Your Relationship

Relationships are all about introductions. We try new foods, meet new people, encourage new ways of thinking. When things are good and communication is positive, partners can be a great way to bring a new taste or a new passion into your own life.

Of course, the same thinking can apply to sex! Sometimes your partner has more experience than you and can show you new heights of sexual pleasure. Other times, you might be the one with more carnal knowledge, ready to impart upon a willing playmate. It should never be underestimated how wild and fun your sex can get when one of you can take the lead and, as the saying goes, “show someone a good time.”

One of the more frequent gaps in sexual experience that people have is in the use of sex toys. While much more popular now, it is still highly possible that a new play friend might not have been dipping into the treasure chest as much. Or, even if they have, there are so many sexy, kinky toys on the market now, the two of you might have tried completely different products. And if that’s the case, just remember that sharing is fun!

Here are some tips to help you introduce sex toys to your relationship.

1. Talk it out

If you are interested in bringing sex toys into your bedroom, the first thing to do it discuss it with your partner. While some might like the idea of surprising or being surprised with a new dildo or vibrator, it might be just a little too much for some. If you’re not sure how to bring the topic up, find a film, magazine, book or something else that references sex toys and use that to broach the subject. Hopefully it’ll be a great start, but be prepared if it is a new idea that needs some consideration and care.

2. Get past fears

Stigma and misconceptions are still prevalent when it comes to sex toys. Some people fear they will be “replaced” by the toy. If these thoughts rear their ugly head, do your best to reassure that your sex toy collection is a happy bag of tricks that can make both of you moan in pleasure and beg for more. If your partner makes that ewww face at the thought of a little silicone sexiness or a vavavavoom vibe, offer to show them how you pleasure yourself using them. Now, if you haven’t introduced masturbation into your coupled repertoire, maybe take a step back, but if you have, they will be able to see how your toy gets you hot, excited and off!

3. Shop together

Another great way to introduce sex toys to your titillation is to shop together! Huddle together in bed and explore the Cherry Banana website to peruse what is out there. There are also many sex toy videos and product reviews on our site that you can use to get a really good sense and feel for what you’re looking for. Our product guides (like the one you're reading now) and our sex blog will give you the lowdown on the pros and cons of sex products to really help you understand what you and your partner would like to try.

4. Try different sex toys

One important thing to remember is that not all sex toys feel the same for everyone. You’re bound to find some that rock your world, but not your partner’s. Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen in the first few you try, but if it does, be sure to reassure them that there are many different options out there for fun and pleasure. Is it just for one of you or both? You can try sex toys that are specifically for one of you or sex toys that are meant to be used together. Consider what you’re really into at this time and how a toy might complement that. And remember, if any toys don’t do it for you, just try something different!

5. Take it slow

Now that you’ve picked and your toy is in bed with you, go slow. Don’t just start jamming and buzzing all over the place. Sex toys are meant to add to your sex life, not take it over. Start your sexy time as you would any other time, even with the added anticipation. It is best to discuss when you might want to bring the toys in and when the right moment will be. And, if you’ve purchased a bunch, try one at a time. Now, you might stay up all night if you only try one at a time, but it is good to experience the new sensations individually so that you can keep track of what you like and what you don’t.

Remember, sex toys might be new to some, but having a few ready in your toolbelt can lead some newbies to great things.

Alright, I'm ready to introduce sex toys to my relationship. What now?

If you're ready to start enjoying sex toys with your partner, browse our main sex toys category here: Buy Sex Toys.

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If you would like some more tips before using sex toys with your partner, we would be happy to help! Just Contact Customer Care and a friendly staff member from the Cherry Banana team will be in contact as soon as possible.

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